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The Embassy of Good Science

VIRT2UE: Training Ph.D. students in Educational Sciences in Latvia

Zanda Rubene and Reinis Upenieks trained 26 Ph.D. students in Educational Sciences as a team at the University of Latvia. According to Zanda, running the VIRT2UE program in teams is good to share responsibilitieTexts and support each other. Besides, the two trainers highly recommend collecting feedback and evaluations from the trainees. In their particular case, the Ph.D. students declared to be very satisfied after the training and concluded that the session had answered many questions. Although the trainees’ favourite exercise was the “Dilemma Game”, Rubene found particularly useful the “Self-declaration” and plans to keep using the tool with doctoral students. Finally, Rubene highlights the importance of training Educational Sciences researchers, since “it is an area where research is about people, very often about children. This is very sensitive from an ethical point of view.

Zanda Rubene