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The Embassy of Good Science

Summer dates for VIRT2UE Training!

The VIRT2UE Train-the-Trainer program will run again in summer 2023

The VIRTUE training consists of a intensive 3-day course in which trainers will learn how to train their colleagues to be virtuous researchers. The course takes a research virtue-based approach and supports participants in reflecting on their understanding of, and own positions towards research integrity. For more detailed informationon the course content, you can consult the program here:
July-August VIRT2UE TtT Programme.pdf (435.4 KB)

The VIRT2UE training will take place on the 3rd, 4th of July, from 9:00-14:45 (CET) and the 31st of August, from 9:00-13:00 (CET) .