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The Embassy of Good Science

NERQ's Second Online Conference

We were pleased to welcome participants from across the globe to our most recent NERQ meeting on the 20th of September 2023.

See below for a recording of the plenary session:

Please see the event program below:

NERQ Education and Research Quality – Expanding the Network


2:00 - 2:15 pm Welcome and Introduction (Record)
  • Opening remarks by Dorian Karatzas, Head of the Ethics and Research Integrity Sector, the European Commission (10 Minutes)
  • Overview of the network’s goals and objectives (5 Minutes)
2:15 - 3:20 pm Plenary Talks (Record)
  • Teaching and Learning Research Integrity and Open Science (Julia Prieß-Buchheit, 15 minutes)
  • Policies for Academic and Research Integrity (Irene Glendinning, 10 minutes)
  • Surveying the Landscape of research methodology teaching (Silke Kniffert and Michiel de Boer, Co-presenter: Ivan Buljan, 15 minutes)
  • Early Career Researcher and Research Quality (Muhammad Assaduzzaman, 15 minutes)
  • New Initiatives from other Continents (from Malaysia Deming Chau; from Ghana Simson Mwale; from Peru Roxana Lescano Guevara)
3:20 - 3.35 pm Break
3.35 - 5:05 pm Parallel Interactive Workshops (see below)
5.05 - 5:15 pm Break
5.15 - 5:50 pm KEYNOTE Educational Quality in a Global Perspective (Zoë Hammatt)
5:50 - 6:00 pm Recap and Next Steps (by Mariëtte van den Hoven and Julia Priess Buchheit)
  • Summary of key takeaways from plenary talks and interactive workshops|
6:00 pm Closing

Parallel session 1: Exchange of good practices for training research supervisors

Leads: Tamarinde L. Haven and Seán Lacey

Description: Research supervisors have the unique potential to leverage research quality and integrity. Yet what are examples of good practices for training supervisors? And what are the challenges and opportunities when solidifying and scaling up training initiatives?

With this SIG, we hope to start a community of practice consisting of researchers, trainers, policymakers and other stakeholders tasked with supervision and leadership for research quality and integrity.

Parallel session 2: The impact of using Generative AI on researchers’ behaviour and cognition
Leads: Katharina Miller and Mohammad Hosseini

Description: The use of Generative AI in research will impact researchers’ interaction with other researchers as well as their engagement with research subjects and the wider society. By exploring the impact of using generative AI on researchers’ behaviour and cognition, we can develop recommendations and policy advice for universities as well as create training materials for researchers to minimize the likelihood of flouting DEI and research integrity principles.

Parallel session 3: Evaluation of RCR education
Leads: Mariëtte van den Hoven & Miriam van Loon

Description : Evaluation of Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) education is crucial if we want to understand whether people who attend RCR education actually improve their behaviour and become more responsible researchers. How can this type of education be evaluated?

In this interactive workshop, we will share insights in recent developments in the field of research on RCR education and its evaluation, presenting the first results of our review on RCR evaluation, showing an overview of existing evaluation tools for RCR education (the study protocol is published on OSF: OSF).

The workshop will be concluded by setting the agenda for future meetings for our SIG group: what are our needs and wishes for the future?

Parallel session 4: Navigating Open Science with NERQ_OS
Leads: Julia Priess-Buchheit and Flavio Azevedo

Welcome to “Navigating Open Science with NERQ_OS,” a dynamic 90-minute workshop designed to engage participants in creating an educational map for tailored training in open science. This session directly responds to the objective suggested in May 2023 to foster a collaborative approach to open science education.

Join Julia Priess-Buchheit and Flavio Azevedo, leaders of the SIG Group Open Science, for this engaging and interactive workshop. Together, we can advance the cause of open science through collective learning and collaboration.

Parallel session 5: Working towards co-writing an article on best practices in the teaching of research ethics and research integrity
Leads: Cyril Holm and Hakan Salven

We perceive a lacuna of information on best practices in the teaching of research ethics and related subjects. Therefore, our suggested plan is to utilize September to Athens as a runway to produce an article on such best practices. You are all cordially invited as co-authors.