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The Embassy of Good Science

Media Coverage

2022 & 2021 Press realeases:

Name Date Link
Gerben ter Riet, Gowri Gopalakrishna and Lex Bouter comment on the commonality of questionable research practices in Times Higher Education 27 March 2022
Gowri Gopalakrishna shares her views on the preprint surge and research quality in the national Dutch newspaper NRC 22 October 2021 Verstopt door corona: de wetenschappelijke uitgeefmachine slibt dicht. ‘Er is zoveel bagger’ - NRC
Preprint advocates must also fight for research integrity 13 September 2021 Preprint advocates must also fight for research integrity
How misconduct helped psychological science to thrive 7 September 2021 How misconduct helped psychological science to thrive

2020 NSRI Results coverage:

2020 Press realeases:

Name Date Link
Lex Bouter, professor of methodology and integrity at the VU discusses why ten of the fifteen Dutch universities dropped out of the Dutch National Survey on Research Integrity 16 December 2020 ‘Het was erg in het belang van de universiteiten geweest om wel mee te werken’ | Advalvas
Fear of reputational damage influenced the attitude of rectors in integrity investigations 9 December 2020 Angst voor reputatieschade stuurde houding rectores in integriteitsonderzoek - ScienceGuide
The Dutch National Research Integrity Survey was to become the largest of its kind worldwide, but ten of the fifteen universities are not participating 7 December 2020 DPG Media Privacy Gate
UKrant (University of Groningen) covers the NSRI and reasons why Groningen University did not join it 30 November 2020 Willen we wel weten wat er misgaat?
Science Magazine covers the Dutch NSRI 25 November 2020 Science | AAAS
The University of Groningen news journal interview Gowri Gopalakrishna on the Dutch National Survey on Research Integrity 18 November 2020 UG refuses to cooperate on national 'sloppy science' survey

NSRI Coverage on Dutch universities’ outlets:

Name Date Link
Universe (Tilburg University) 9 November 2020 Groot onderzoek naar wetenschappelijke integriteit van start - Univers
Cursor (Eindhoven University of Technology) 9 November 2020 Beste professor, hoe integer bent u?
Observant (Maastricht University) 9 November 2020
DUB (Utrecht University) 9 Novembre Meeste universiteiten werken niet mee aan groot integriteitsonderzoek | DUB
Delta (Delft University of Technology) 10 November 2020 Beste professor, hoe integer bent u?
EM (Erasmus University) 10 November 2020 Veel universiteiten werken niet mee aan grootste onderzoek naar wetenschappelijke integriteit ooit - Erasmus Magazine
UToday (Twente University) 12 November 2020 Weinig heil verwacht van nieuw integriteitsonderzoek - U-Today
Ad Valvas (Vrije University Amsterdam) 13 November 2020 Universiteiten weigeren medewerking aan integriteitsonderzoek | Advalvas

Articles on the NSRI:

Name Date Link
Research Progessional: National integrity survey struggles to get responses 4 December 2020
Science Guide: coverage of national research integrity symposium 20 October 2020 Wetenschappelijke integriteit is geen afvinklijstje - ScienceGuide
Research Professional: Survey on academic launched 16 October 2020 Survey on academic integrity launched - Research Professional News
Research Professional: Nationwide integrity survey to start in May 6 December 2019 Nationwide integrity survey to start in May - Research Professional News

Media coverage of COVID-19, Open Science and its impact on Research Integrity:

Name Date Link
Nature Medicine: Rise of the preprint: how rapid data sharing during COVID-19 has changed science forever 20 January 2022 Rise of the preprint: how rapid data sharing during COVID-19 has changed science forever | Nature Medicine
BMJ Opinion: Assuring research integrity during a pandemic 8 January 2020
LSE: Are preprints a problem? 5 ways to improve the quality and credibility of preprints 23 September 2020 Are preprints a problem? 5 ways to improve the quality and credibility of preprints | Impact of Social Sciences
Pakhuis de Zwijger: Gowri Gopalakrishna shared her research on responsible research practices and its impact on the covid-19 pandemic 20 May 2020 Amsterdam Vertelt #4 : What is missing? - Pakhuis de Zwijger
New Scientist: Interview to Gowri Gopalakrishna: "A lot of half-baked science is now emerging in corona time" 27 May 2020 ‘Er komt nu veel halfbakken wetenschap naar buiten’ – New Scientist
NOS: Gowri Gopalakrishna interview on the National Dutch TV 25 April 2020 Wetenschappers bekritiseren gebrek aan openheid corona-adviezen
De Volkkrant: Gowri Gopalakrishna interview about the effects of speed science during the COVID-19 crisis 22 May 2020 DPG Media Privacy Gate
BioNieuws: NSRI Lead investigator Gowri Gopalakrishna shares her views on the Covid 19 crisis in The Netherlands 11 April 2020 Onervaren op de hielen van een seriemoordenaar