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The Embassy of Good Science

Digital badges for VIRT2UE Certified Trainers

The VIRT2UE project is now issuing digital badges to certified trainers. The certified VIRT2UE trainer badge serves as an indicator of accomplishment for those who completed the VIRT2UE Train-the-Trainer program and have qualified as certified trainers in the field of research integrity and ethics.

The badge certifies that the participant has acquired the knowledge and skills to conduct a research integrity following a virtue ethics approach. Specifically, the participant can:

  1. Identify the core principles and practice of the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity.
  2. Understand and teach core virtue ethics concepts and terms.
  3. Relate research integrity to virtue ethics.
  4. Facilitate case-based and experiential exercises aimed at fostering reflection on virtues.
  5. Adapt teaching approaches based on the target group characteristics.

So if you are a certified trainer and have received an email offering you the badge - it is real, it is not spam! Open it, accept it, and share it on your social networks :slight_smile: